Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Exercise For Rheumatic Disease

Living with rheumatic disease is difficult because this disease can come suddenly, even from no significant activity. With proper management, a rheumatic disease often does not have to hinder your daily activities. Some exercise can be do to help more relax on doing activity.

The right exercise can help to reduce rheumatic disease symptoms, include the following:
  • Prevent from joint stiffness
  • Keeping muscles strong around the joints
  • Improving joint flexibility
  • Reducing the swelling
  • Reducing pain
  • Maintain the strong and healthy bone and cartilage tissue
  • Improving joint alignment
  • Improving overall fitness
Some exercise that can be do such as bellow:
  • Range of motion exercises; focus on moving the joints in certain direction to improve flexibility and reduce stiffness
  • Strengthening exercises, mean increase or maintain muscle strength around the joints, keeping joints more stable. Two kind of this exercise are isometric and isotonic. Isometric is tightening muscles without use joint and isotonic is strengthening muscles by using joints.
  • Fitness, this exercise improve a person's endurance and cardiovascular health, while keeping muscles strong and joints more flexible. This fitness like walking, water exercise, and bicycling.


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