Rheumatic Myths
Many myths spreading in community about the rheumatism. The wrong knowledge of this mistaken can cause confusion on facing this. These are the myths:
- Myth: rheumatism due to cold weather, often a bath night, bathing too frequently and often are in a cold room or air-conditioned. This myth is indeed very popular. However, not truth, because there is no patologis relation between the myth and the emergence of rheumatism disease. Fact: Water or cold air will cause the joint capsule contract. This can increase pain of rheumatism sendinya who are sick. We recommend that people with rheumatism take a bath using warm water to reduce the pain.
- Myth: rheumatism caused by foods such as offal. This myth is also trusted by most people. Fact: From more than 100 kinds of rheumatism, only one related to food (offal), namely Arthritis Gout/Pirie.
- Myth: rheumatism caused by genetic factors. Fact: While this myth is not entirely wrong, but it still should be straightened. Not all is revealed rheumatism. There is some kind of rheumatism due to genetic factors.
- Myth: rheumatism needs antibiotics to overcome the swollen joints. Fact: antibiotic just used in the arthritis that is caused by infection (Septic Arthritis). If no infection, antibiotics are not needed. Antibiotics are not given routinely even when joints swell and look red.
- Myth: Women pregnant and breastfeeding affected vulnerable rheumatism. Fact: Research of latest American College of Rheumatology in New Orleans, Louisiana, states that women who breastfeed their babies for two years or more, are more of getting an arthritis rheumatoid than women who only breast-feed her babies less than three months.