Food Avoid If Have Gout
If you have gout, you should intense to kind of food that should be avoided. It was as a rich person’s disease because only those who could afford large amounts of meat, cheese and wine were likely to suffer.
Food to avoid:
- Any food that are rich of purines, such as offal, oily fish including achovies, chicken, caffeine, shelfish including crab, lobster, scallops, roe and mussels, kidney, lima or nave beans, yeast based spreads such as Marmite and Brovil, oatmeal prridge and lentils.
- Full-fat cheeses, especially Stilton and goat’s cheeses
- Most forms of arthritis usually benefit from taking cod liver oil or eating oily fish, however, with gout these foods would almost certainly make it worse.
- Malted drinks such as Horlicks are a problem for some people.
- Cherries and pineapple should be eaten on a daily basis, cherries in particular. They are one of the easiest ways of keeping gout under control and preventing it, as they increase excretion of uric acid from the body.
- Blueberries or bilberries, both are very rich in bioflavornoids that help reduce uric acid levels in the body.
- Fruit and Vegetables especially celery, quinoa, millet, brown rice and pastas made from corn, rice, potato and buckwheat flours.
- Free range eggs, soya, tofu and lamb should not cause any problem.
- Tiny piece fresh root ginger, put in a blender with half a cup of rice or light soya milk, whizz for one minute and drink immediately.
- Drink at least six glasses of water every day to encourage excretion of the uric acid.
- Vitamin C, 1-2 g a day taken with food will gradually help lower uric acid levels.
- Bromelain, 2,000 – 4,000 mcu a day, is a very powerful anti inflammatory.
- Ginger, curcumin and broswellia herbs in combination provide relief from any type of inflammation discomfort.
- Devils claw, 400 mg three times a day for least three months. This herb can gradually help lower uric acid levels as well as improving bowel function, but do not take if if you are pregnant.