Alternative Herbal Medicine
Many alternative of herbal medicine that offer can cure of uric acid, but the truth still need to prove. The below example that suggest can cure of lessen the rheumatoid arthritis.
- Birch leaf juice can use for diuretic disease without irritating the kidney. This should consume every day, one tbsp every day three times a day.
- Blueberries, cherries and howthorn berries are rich source of flavonoid molecules, particularly proanthocyanidins. Flavonoids can function as exhibit membrane, collage stabilizing, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory action as well as many other actions that are very beneficial in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.
- Boswellia use for ayurvedic medicine. The benefit of boswellia have been investigated have good effect on arthritis. The result of this study that boswellia found a benficial effect on pain and stiffness, as well as improve of joint function.
- Celery seeds can help to clear of uric acid from the joint of gout and arthritis sufferers. Use this celery seed by boiling of 1 tsp of seeds in one cup of water for fifteen minutes, then strain and sip.
- Ginger is one of indian medicine recipe to avoid of pain and swelling. More than 75% of participant in the study reported at least some relief from pain and swelling. A ginger compress is also beneficial for arthritis. The dosage use 6 - 50 grams of fresh or powdered ginger per day.
- Turmeric (Curcumin, curcuma longa) curcumin, this plant contain of the yellow pigment of turmeric that act as anti-inflammatory action. The usual dosage of curcumin is 400 to 600 mg and consume 3 times per day. Side effect on consume ginger are rare. The general effect usually because of allergic reactions and mild stomach upset. For safety, in very young children, pregnant or nursing women, and those with severe liver or kidney disease has not been established.
Labels: herbal medicine