Friday, September 22, 2017

Uric Acid and Cholesterol Accumulation

Cholesterol Accumulation can Causes Many Disease Such as Uric Acid

For general people that is attached by these diseases they can't differ between cholesterol and uric acid pain on their body. Either uric acid and cholesterol can make our muscle feel painful, but the painful can feel different symptom of rheumatic cause by uric acid and cholesterol. Uric acid causes pain because the sharp crystal form of uric acid causes our muscle like being stabbed by knife. But cholesterol feel painful because of the blood flow is plugged by this cholesterol substance.

Uric Acid is accumulate on blood and circulate to all the body, because uric acid have maximum dilution on blood then this crystal accumulate in all bone joint. This accumulation can happen because of blood circulation on joint is not smooth, and also because of gravitation Uric Acid will accumulate on the lower joint such as in foot finger, foot leg, hand finger and so on.

Uric Acid Crystal

Cholesterol is a fat-like substance that has great physiologist importance. It is one of the non essential nutrients, that is, it is found in all foods from animal sources, and our bodies can also manufacture it. Cholesterol found has relationship between high levels of cholesterol in the blood and increased risk of heart diseases. Cholesterol is a major component of the plaque that can build up on the walls of blood vessels, including the vessels become narrowed and may eventually close off completely, so cholesterol will increase of blood pressure.

Understand of both substance is better and sometime our body more risk to one substance and we just can reduce our food that contain much of those substance. Uric acid more contain on sea food and certain vegetable like petai and jengkol, Indonesia Forage. For certain people very sensitive to this vegetable, once they eat this vegetable suddenly their uric acid will increase and feel painful. If we check to the doctor usually just give by medicine that down purine contain on the blood like Allopurinol.


Friday, September 1, 2017

Uric Acid

Uric Acid Problem

Uric acid, the main end product of purine metabolism in humans and other primates, is derived from adenine and guanine, two purines that are important constituents of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA). In birds and reptiles, uric acid, nitrogen rich compounds, ridding the body of excess nitrogen derived from amino acids. Birds and reptiles do not produce urea.

Uric acid is always produce by our body, but in our body there is an organ that control the concentration on blood so doesn’t make any trouble. Uric acid can make our muscle pain for certain exceed concentration, for young people can tolerate more higher than adult people. Uric acid is including one that cause rheumatic, but rheumatic itself can cause from many reason.

Uric acid is only slightly soluble, a property that accounts for the symptoms of gout, a diseases in which levels of uric acid in the blood are elevated either from excess uric acid formation or from impaired uric acid excretion by the kidneys. The Limited solubility of uric acid also causes the development of kidney stones excess deposits of uric acid in the joints result in a condition called gouty arthritis, in which movement of a joint is accompanied by sever pain.
